Life Transitions

I felt inspired to write about life transitions because I am currently going through a couple. I am a new mother with an 8-week-old baby, and I have decided not to go back to my full-time corporate job to focus on growing my business and raising my daughter instead. As I go through these transitions, I have been feeling all kinds of emotions from joy, happiness and bliss to fear, anxiety and grief. My life has done a complete 180 in the last two months and I am struggling to stay present and not let my fear-based thoughts get the best of me. Therefore, I decided to do a deep dive on what life transitions are and how I can help myself get through them in a healthy way.


What is a Life Transition?

A life transition is when we go through changes that cause us to start a new normal in our life. They cause us to examine our life and determine what the best course of action will be for our new situation. They can be predictable, something we are able to plan and prepare for or they can be unpredictable, leaving us feeling shocked and unsure of how to move on with our lives. Some examples of life transitions include divorce, becoming a parent, the death of a loved one, a career change, being diagnosed with an illness, marriage, retirement, an empty nest, moving, a natural disaster and menopause just to name a few. Transition literally means change - a shift from one state or condition to another. Unfortunately, with change comes resistance, making it more challenging to forge ahead. Therefore, it’s important to practice staying aware of how we feel and what we want as we conquer our new way of life.


How to Navigate Life Transitions

Navigating through life transitions is going to look different for everyone, especially depending on the transition you’re experiencing. The first thing I needed to do as I was going through mine was accept the changes. That meant no dwelling on the past, no what ifs, no should haves or could haves, just accepting that this is my life now. I am a mother and I want to be able to take care of my daughter and grow my business instead of working full time and hiring a nanny. Ruminating on the past and the way things were, makes us feel depressed. When we accept ourselves and our situation, we open up to the possibilities of what our new path has to offer.

After accepting the changes in my life, I decided to get curious about the fears I was feeling because I know they are there to tell me something. For example, if I’m scared that I will not make enough money, that fear is telling me what I don’t want – to be without enough resources to care for myself and my family. I can thank the fear and chose a different perspective. What do I want? When I chose what I do want, I have the power to manifest it because thoughts become our reality. Our thoughts are powerful, they carry energy, so it’s important to tune into our thoughts to make sure they serve us. Having a regular mindfulness practice helps bring awareness to the thoughts we think. Remember, we are not our thoughts, we can observe them and change them as needed. It just takes discipline and practice.

“When we accept ourselves and our situation, we open up to the possibilities of what our new path has to offer.”

Furthermore, transitions can feel turbulent and stressful, so it is important to stay centered and grounded as we move through the change. Take time to check in with yourself regularly and ask yourself what you need. For me, I make sure that I stick to the basics when I am under stress. My basics include drinking lots of water, getting sleep, eating well, taking my vitamins and communicating with my husband about how I’m feeling so I don’t isolate myself. Take time to learn what helps you stay centered and grounded that way you have your go-tos in time of need.


New Normal

When we embark on a new journey in life, it’s helpful to reflect on our experience. Spend time journaling and ask yourself some questions:

-          How do I interpret the life transition I am going through?

-          What have I learned about myself?

-          Who has been there to support me?

-          What do I need to thrive?

Spending time in reflection allows us space to feel what we are feeling as we experience change. It’s important to take time to let it sink in instead of dissociating. By doing this, we are more capable of appreciating the benefits of the change.


“Take time to check in with yourself regularly and ask yourself what you need.”

Next, I like to set some goals for my new life. What do I want to accomplish? Where do I see myself in a year from now? How will my business grow? Setting goals is a great way to get motivated and put positive thoughts into action.

Lastly, it is crucial to have a support network including friends, family, community and professional guidance. For me, I love spending time with my family and friends. I update them regularly on what’s going on and they constantly check in with me. I also make sure to get in with my acupuncturist, chiropractor and therapist to take care of my physical and mental health. When life transitions become overwhelming and lead to stress, anxiety, or depression, a therapist can help you explore coping tools to aid in the change. Life transitions can lead to a sense of grief at the loss you are experiencing. Expecting, or even welcoming, a life transition can still cause sadness for what you are letting go of and leaving behind. It’s important to accept that sense of loss, as well as fear of the unknown, before being ready to embrace your new reality.

Are you currently going through a life transition? Share your experience below or feel free to ask questions! We are here to support you!